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Gift Acceptance Policy

The Wake Forest University Gift Acceptance Policy (PDF) has been developed for the purpose of providing:

  1. complete and accurate reporting of gifts and pledges
  2. guidance for compliance with IRS regulations and acceptable business practices
  3. guidance for persons involved in gift solicitation, recording, and management for Wake Forest University

The purpose of the Gift Acceptance Policy is to insure that gifts are:

  1. appropriate to the mission and needs of the University
  2. impose no undue financial burdens on the University
  3. if restricted, are written in reasonably broad and flexible terms to maximize their usefulness to the University; and
  4. if restricted, include language that permits the University to apply the gift to a related purpose in the event that the designated purpose is no longer practical, necessary or able to be performed

The Gift Acceptance Policy applies to all of the Reynolda Campus. This policy was adopted by tile Gift Acceptance Committee and approved by the President as of September 28, 2020.